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Age of Consent Laws in Texas


It's important to know the laws and regulations surrounding the age of consent in Texas to avoid any legal troubles. In this blog post, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding the age of consent laws in Texas.

What is the Age of Consent in Texas?

The age of consent in Texas is 17 years old. This means that any individual who engages in sexual activity with someone under the age of 17 can face criminal charges. However, there are a few exceptions to this law.

Exceptions to the Age of Consent Law

There are certain circumstances in which sexual activity with a minor may not be considered illegal. For example, if the two individuals are within three years of age and both parties consent to the sexual activity, it may not be considered illegal. Additionally, if the minor is emancipated or married, the age of consent laws may not apply.

Consequences of Violating the Age of Consent Law

If an individual violates the age of consent law in Texas, they can face serious consequences. Depending on the circumstances, they may be charged with statutory rape or other sex crimes involving minors. This can result in prison time, fines, and even registration as a sexual offender.

Protecting Yourself and Your Rights

If you are facing charges related to violating the age of consent laws in Texas, you must protect yourself and your rights. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that your rights are protected.

At Scott H. Palmer, P.C., we have years of experience defending clients who are facing charges related to various. We understand the complexities of these cases and will work tirelessly to ensure that your rights are protected.

Understanding the age of consent laws in Texas is crucial to avoid any legal troubles related to sexual activity with minors. If you or someone you know is facing charges related to the age of consent laws, don't hesitate to contact us at (214) 891-3382.

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