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Virtual Proof Of Insurance May Be Acceptable Under Texas Bill


When asked to show proof of insurance, many motorists sigh and groan before digging through their glove compartments for the pesky little card. Now Texas lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow drivers to show proof of their auto insurance on their smartphone.

This could also help drivers avoid getting a ticket if they are stopped and do not have their insurance cards with them. Under state law failure to provide proof of insurance can result in a ticket or fine.

It may seem inconvenient to have to provide proof of your auto insurance every time you are stopped by an officer. However, it serves as an important reminder of the importance of carrying adequate auto insurance. In the event of a motor vehicle accident, having the right insurance can make the difference between being crushed by medical and repair bills and being able to recover financially.

If you are involved in an accident with someone who does not have sufficient auto insurance, it can be particularly difficult to secure compensation for your injuries and property damage. You may be able to collect some money to recoup your expenses from your own insurer or from the person who caused the damage. However, such proceedings can be costly and complex.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident it may be wise to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. He or she can guide you through the process of reviewing the circumstances of your accident, assessing the damages, and pursuing any appropriate legal claims. Having an experienced advocate on your side can help you focus on recovering and getting back to your life.

Source: The Dallas Morning News, "Texas bill would bring car insurance proof right to your phone," Terrence Stutz, March 10, 2013

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